The AGBT Agricultural meeting 2022 in San Diego is expected to become one of the most important Ag-biotech meetings of this time. Worldwide scientific experts representing a wide range of relevant disciplines will present their visions on the challenges in global food production. Orion Genomics will have a strong presence at this meeting.

"Subsistence farmers in Malaysia and beyond could see a boost to their livelihoods if Orion Biosains' project succeeds."

The Malaysian Palm Oil Board and Orion Genomics publish in Nature the discovery of the epigenetic cause of oil palm fruit mantling, leading the way for increased palm oil yield. (Ong-Abdullah et al. Nature

A multinational team from the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB), Orion Genomics, and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory today announced the publication of a paper in Nature detailing the epigenetic cause of mantling.

Harrison Ford, known for iconic roles such as Han Solo and the intrepid archaeologist, confronts the Indonesian forestry minister on television.

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